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Русскоязычный сайт rust-new.ru - описание, внешний вид, рейтинг и другая информация о сайте:


Rust news Rust новости

Метки сайта:
10 Years Of Rust DEVBLOG 07.12.23 This month we celebrate Rust's 10th birthday. Birthday event, throw back items to Rust Legacy, new weapon, twitch drops, 20 QOL features, and much more! | Март 2024 (2) | Community Update 259 | Coupling The Rails DEVBLOG 2-11-2023, 06:00 | Season's beatings! It's that wonderful time of the year again. The Xmas event is now enabled, gingerbread houses, and Rustmas base decorating competition! | Community Update 258 DEVBLOG 27.11.23 Steam Awards, Multiple Cinematics, Global Warfare, Youtube Achievements, Support a Streamer Event, and more! | Показать / скрыть весь архив | Community Update 255 DEVBLOG 22-08-2023, 15:00 | 2023 Steam AWARDS DEVBLOG 21-11-2023, 06:28 | Solid foundations DEVBLOG 05.10.23 QoL Updates, Brutalist Building Skin, Weather Events, Turret System Adjustments, SMG buff and more! | Bags To Riches DEVBLOG 01.02.24 This month's Rust update brings you backpacks, player remains, metal detector, weapon changes, QOL, performance improvements and much more! | Happy Halloween DEVBLOG 23-10-2023, 12:01 | Community Update 259 DEVBLOG 27.02.24 Giant calculators, global stats, creator program, and LOTS of art! | Wounded DEVBLOG 3-08-2023, 05:00 | Happy Halloween DEVBLOG 23.10.23 A darkness is falling upon Rust, monsters are awakening, portals are opening, and skulls are breaking. Enter if you dare. | Далее | Декабрь 2023 (2) | Lighting The Way DEVBLOG 7-03-2024, 05:00 | Community Update 256 DEVBLOG 22.09.23 Charitable Rust, Upcoming Twitch Drops, Rust miniatures, Speedpaints, and more! | category. After 10 years of the game, it's updates, and content, we are officially putting our hat in the ring! | Check out this year's clucking Easter update. | Servers are now wiped, Santa is packing up and clearing out the bodies, we hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season. In this blog, we recap 2023 and reveal some upcoming changes. | So many changes! We've updated Harbor/Cargo, Oilrig, Bradley, Electricity, & Patrol Heli. Adding our first Retro TC Skin & a minigun, plus much more! | This month we celebrate Rust's 10th birthday. Birthday event, throw back items to Rust Legacy, new weapon, twitch drops, 20 QOL features, and much more! | Coupling The Rails DEVBLOG 02.11.23 The surface and underground rail networks are now linked, train signals have been added. Base decor pack released and a bunch of QOL and fixes | Сентябрь 2023 (2) | Merry Rustmas DEVBLOG 16-12-2023, 12:15 | Waves Of Change | Community Update 254 DEVBLOG 27-07-2023, 14:30 | Комментарии | Правила | Bags To Riches DEVBLOG 1-02-2024, 16:30 | Community Update 258 DEVBLOG 27-11-2023, 04:00 | Easter 2024 | This year's Steam Awards sees Rust enter for the 'Labour of Love' | Solid foundations DEVBLOG 5-10-2023, 17:00 | Community Update 257 DEVBLOG 26.10.23 Halloween Trailers, Breast Cancer Charity, Project Lazarus Event, & more! | Merry Rustmas DEVBLOG 16.12.23 Season's beatings! It's that wonderful time of the year again. The Xmas event is now enabled, gingerbread houses, and Rustmas base decorating competition! | Обратная связь | early access | 88x31 | Февраль 2024 (3) | Celebrate the 2024 Lunar new year, the Year of the Dragon with a dragon rocket launcher, spear, sky lanterns, gongs and more! | Community Update 259 DEVBLOG 27-02-2024, 16:00 | Lighting The Way DEVBLOG 07.03.24 This month we bring you Tutorial Island, Night time visibility, Vendor UI refresh, Item Store rework, and much more! | Июль 2023 (1) | Airborne DEVBLOG 7-09-2023, 17:00 | Easter 2024 DEVBLOG 21-03-2024, 08:51 | A darkness is falling upon Rust, monsters are awakening, portals are opening, and skulls are breaking. Enter if you dare. | Easter 2024 DEVBLOG 21.03.24 Check out this year's clucking Easter update. | Waves Of Change DEVBLOG 4-04-2024, 15:16 | Waves Of Change DEVBLOG 04.04.24 So many changes! We've updated Harbor/Cargo, Oilrig, Bradley, Electricity, & Patrol Heli. Adding our first Retro TC Skin & a minigun, plus much more! | Август 2023 (2) | Lighting The Way | Surviving a Decade DEVBLOG 4-01-2024, 16:45 | Оружие | Январь 2024 (1) | Halloween Trailers, Breast Cancer Charity, Project Lazarus Event, & more! | Surviving a Decade DEVBLOG 04.01.24 Servers are now wiped, Santa is packing up and clearing out the bodies, we hope you enjoyed the Holiday Season. In this blog, we recap 2023 and reveal some upcoming changes. | Steam Awards, Multiple Cinematics, Global Warfare, Youtube Achievements, Support a Streamer Event, and more! | This month we bring you Tutorial Island, Night time visibility, Vendor UI refresh, Item Store rework, and much more! | 2023 Steam AWARDS DEVBLOG 21.11.23 This year's Steam Awards sees Rust enter for the 'Labour of Love' | 2 | Главная | Giant calculators, global stats, creator program, and LOTS of art! | Новости | Выживание | Community Update 257 DEVBLOG 26-10-2023, 04:00 | Community Update 256 DEVBLOG 22-09-2023, 16:00 | Lunar New Year 2024 DEVBLOG 7-02-2024, 16:45 | This month's Rust update brings you backpacks, player remains, metal detector, weapon changes, QOL, performance improvements and much more! | Ноябрь 2023 (3) | Lunar New Year 2024 DEVBLOG 07.02.24 Celebrate the 2024 Lunar new year, the Year of the Dragon with a dragon rocket launcher, spear, sky lanterns, gongs and more! | The surface and underground rail networks are now linked, train signals have been added. Base decor pack released and a bunch of QOL and fixes | 10 Years Of Rust DEVBLOG 7-12-2023, 09:00 | QoL Updates, Brutalist Building Skin, Weather Events, Turret System Adjustments, SMG buff and more! | Wiki | Charitable Rust, Upcoming Twitch Drops, Rust miniatures, Speedpaints, and more! | Октябрь 2023 (3) | Апрель 2024 (1) | Лут | category. After 10 years of the game, it's updates, and content, we are officially putting our hat in the ring!

Адрес сайта: rust-new.ru Icon rust-new.ru

Ссылка на сайт: http://rust-new.ru

Дата регистрации сайта: 7 апреля 2024 года.

Рейтинг: 142 из 2324 баллов (низкий)

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