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Русскоязычный сайт receptionofperformanceart.ru - описание, внешний вид, рейтинг и другая информация о сайте:


Главная Рецепция перформанса.Марина Абрамович присутствует

Метки сайта:
https://www.elle.ru/stil-zhizni/books/10-zahvatyvayushih-knig-v-zhanre-non-fiction-id6858557/?fbclid=IwAR2YPLCnXW7f5T1Gb64OqKyJpnl1ham7l1j7dtV3NuQcQCQuEkYM-fe4U3w | Day 2 Oslo International Acting Festival 2013: Richard Schechner "Performativity and the audience".Richard Schechner interviewed by Oystein Stene | Где найти | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3XRJRmN2lw&t=3243s | (Tate Research 2016): http://bit.ly/2lFsG5s 'Performance at Tate: Into the Space of Art' | О книге | http://kdu.ru/node/905 | An Introduction to Performance Art TateShotsPerformance art relates to artworks that are created through actions performed by the artist or other participants, which may be live or recorded, spontaneous or scripted. In the 1960s, performance was seen as fundamentally different from the art that could be collected or shown by art museums. It was live and ephemeral, challenging traditional notions of art. But today performance has come to be seen as more a set of strategies available to contemporary artists, one that is not inherently different from other art forms and not at all beyond what a museum can and should show. Now an accepted part of the visual art world, the term has since been used to also describe film, video, photographic and installation-based artworks through which the actions of artists, performers or the audience are conveyed. Funded by The Arts and Humanities Research Council, this film reflects the ideas of the online publication 'Performance at Tate: Into the Space of Art' | explores how concepts of art have changed in relation to recent shifts in artistic production and how artists have responded to the possibilities offered by museums. The project offers essays and case studies, and publishes audio, films and videos, photographs, museum documents and reviews drawn from Tate's Archive, showing the richness and depth of the gallery's engagement with performance over half a century. #TateShots Discover more about Performance Art: https://goo.gl/EaWiUi Subscribe for weekly films: http://goo.gl/X1ZnEl | Marina Abramovi'c: What is Performance Art?For more information, please visit: http://www.moma.org/abramovic Marina Abramovi'c: The Artist Is Present March 14-May 31, 2010 Images courtesy of Marina Abramovi'c and Sean Kelly Gallery/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York. MoMA installation and performance images courtesy of Scott Rudd and Jason Mandela. Filmed by The People's DP, Inc. DP - Edward Roy Audio - Nick Poholchuck © 2010 The Museum of Modern Art, New York | or@ | https://garagemca.org/ru/event/public-talk-by-maria-antonyan-performance-how-will-it-be-in-russian-a-presentation-of-the-first-russian-book-on-performance-art | Главная | Видео | https://britishdesign.ru/about/news/209880/?fbclid=IwAR2CQ-mJ0PWZ28Uq_AQZkuhyx90Tob80UWKSeX3aH904eT9T6mpmICBs0JE | NEON + MAI AS ONE Yiannis Pappas: The KeyFILMED BY TOKOMBURU PRODUCED BY INKAS FILM PRODUCTIONS This work tackles the issue of confinement as a form of personal, political, economic and religious conflict, and as a state of social exclusion and exploitation. The title A Key is a homophone of the Greek work “” (pronounced “ek'i” — meaning “there”) and, as such, encapsulates both a fixation on making an escape, and an act of coercion into a state of subjugation. Yiannis Pappas will focus on self-imposed states of bodily museum-confinement for eight hours each day. Making his way through a sequence of “cells”, his only tool for escape is a key, which he uses to break through the walls. A lack of imagination — that is, a spiritual limitation — is offset by repetitious action and an insistence on escape. The final confinement cell opens only when a visitor takes the key from his hands and slips it into the lock. NEON + MAI partnered to present As One in Athens which consisted of the Abramovi'c Method, newly commissioned performance pieces by Greek artists, and an extensive public program of lectures, workshops, discussions and other public participatory events. The largest and most ambitious project dedicated to performance art in Greece to date, As One placed this contemporary art form in the spotlight in order to engage and inspire the Greek public. With this collaboration, NEON and MAI aimed to provide a platform and help foster a new generation of Greek performance artists. A number of emerging Greek artists were selected by Abramovi'c and MAI to train and perform, and have been commissioned to develop and present new works for the project. | Abramovic Marina Seven Easy Pieces 2007 | https://www.colta.ru/news/23805-prezentatsiya-pervoy-v-rossii-knigi-ob-iskusstve-performansa-proydet-v-garazhe | Tehching Hsieh: One Year Performance 1980-1981Tehching Hsieh: One Year Performance 1980--1981 http://dasplatforms.com/videos/tehching-hsieh-one-year-performance-1980-1981-/ 29 April to 6 July 2014 Carriageworks, Sydney The artist and curator Nina Miall discuss the second in Tehching Hsieh's one-year performances, commonly referred to as Time Clock Piece. Interview: Nick Garner Video made for Das Platforms http://dasplatforms.com Video © Rococo Productions, 2014 | Марина Абрамович: В присутствии художника / Marina Abramovic: The Artist Is Present (2012)Югославская художница Марина Абрамович называет себя «бабушкой перформанса». И у нее есть на то все основания. Сегодня в этом виде актуального искусства ей, пожалуй, нет равных, а впервые она обратила на себя внимание арт-сообщества ещё в 1974 году. A documentary that follows the Serbian performance artist as she prepares for a retrospective of her work at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. | События | http://artuzel.com/content/recepciya-performansa-marina-abramovich-prisutstvuet-intervyu-s-avtorom-knigi?fbclid=IwAR0Rs9862UwMJWp8kTtANUOgMLl0vn-peeoirHekjPJ0CCH0_CzqSebFvFw | kdu.ru | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyZM-LxP5Gc | Marina Abramovi'c on art, performance, time and nothingnessWant to join the debate? Check out the Intelligence Squared website to hear about future live events and podcasts: http://www.intelligencesquared.com __________________________ http://www.intelligencesquared.com/events/marina-abramovic-on-art-performance-time-and-nothingness/ Filmed at the Royal College of Music on 11th September 2014. ‘The hardest thing is to do something which is close to nothing.’ – Marina Abramovi'c Marina Abramovi'c is the most celebrated performance artist in the world. Over a career spanning four decades she has pioneered performance as an art form and accumulated a devoted following that includes Jay-Z and Lady Gaga. Using her body as both subject and object, Abramovi'c explores notions of nothingness and time, and draws in the audience as part of her performance. At her 2010 exhibition, ‘The Artist is Present’, at New York’s MOMA visitors were invited to sit silently opposite her and gaze into her eyes for an unspecified amount of time. Every day people broke down in tears. In 2014 Abramovi'c was in London, appearing at the Serpentine Gallery in an acclaimed exhibition, ‘512 Hours’, which featured only herself, the empty gallery, a few props, and the audience who both literally and metaphorically left their baggage at the gate: bags, phones, iPads etc were left in lockers before entry. Warned only to expect the unexpected, visitors were invited to give testimony to their experiences on video, and many spoke of their overwhelming sense of presentness and gratitude. After the exhibition closed, Abramovi'c came to our stage to discuss her recent experience in London and why, rejecting the materiality and glitz of so much contemporary art, she believes that in the 21st century art will be made not out of objects but out of energy. | Marina Abramovic - A ConversationInformal discussion with the performance artist for GSD students, led by Sanford Kwinter. 11/17/11 | Об авторе

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